Friday, October 23, 2009

Diabetes Insipidus and ADH deficiency

Diabetes Insipidus and ADH Deficiency

One of the problems with you and me is the fact that we are lay people. I have some training but not at the level of a Diabetologist.

One of the symptoms of diabetes, already discussed on this blog, is the out-put of hugh amounts of urine and intense thirst. This condition is called (diabetes = overflow; insipidus = tasteless) distinguishes it from diabetis mellitus (mel = honey), in which insulin deficiency causes large amounts of blood glucose to be lost in the urine. In the past, urine was tasted to determine which type of diabetes the patient was suffering from.

The possible causes of diabetes insipidus can be caused by a blow to the head that damages the hypothalmus or the posterior pituitary. In either case, anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) release is deficient. Though inconvenient, the condition is not serious when the thirst center is operating properly and the person drinks enough water to prevent dehydration.

 Another reason people who are unconcious or comatose with head injuries are carefully monitored for excessive dehydration that can be life threatening.

This is a good time to defer to a Diabelologist, on your next visit, to answer some of your more involved questions on similar symptoms that may not be due to diabetes mellitus.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Diabetic Camps - Nationwide Experience and Education

Diabetic Camping Experiences

Many years ago Camp Midicha ,in Michigan, and Camp Needle Point in Wisconsin provided wonderful experiences in outdoor camping and fun from a variety of activities that many children took for granted.

Supervised by a full staff of physicians, nurses and counselors trained in the care of diiabetic children between the ages of six and sixteen, these camps were an instant hit.

The camp counselors were, back then, split between those with diabetes and those without diabetes. Insulin use was closely monitored because the increased exercise made their pre-camp dosage of insulin too high for camp activities. Adjustments were made and camp fun continued unabated.

At the same time as their children were attending camp the parents attended a learning session in Minnesota, at the International Diabetes Center in St. Louis Park, Minnesota.

There, many topics were covered that enabled both the parents and children to have a deeper and significant understanding of the nature, treatment and future of diabetes in their lives together.

Here is a link on the Diabetic Camps nationwide that provide camping experiences for diabetics.